Membership in AACEM is open to all manufacturers of commercial and industrial powered cleaning equipment—such as automatic scrubbers, burnishers, floor machines, vacuum cleaners, carpet extractors, and floor dryers—provided they sell such products in the United States.
Download the AACEM membership application.
Membership Information:
The annual AACEM membership fee is $2,900.
Working together we create a better business environment for manufacturers. In support of our mission, we bring significant value to our members through the benefits we provide.

- Help guide important policies and standards such as IEC standards, CRI, UL, Green
- Inclusion on industry trends and quarterly performance statistics
- Build relationships with industry executives

- Act as a coordinated influence on industry technical issues through the technical committee
- Provide unique “engagement” opportunities to support key strategic pillars

- Defining and executing strategy designed to enable our members, while simultaneously uplifting the image/importance of our industry
- Voting rights on industry standards